Monday, May 12, 2014

Random guy talking for no reason

Bob: why are pet randomly disappearing 
Random solder 1:  I don't know how should I know 
Bob: because your a solder 
Random solder 1: I am here to protect you and other people not animles
Bob: Fine good by 
Random solder 1: thank god I am finly away from that creepy guy (he shudders)

Bob: why are pets randomly disappearing 
Random shopper: whait cats are disappearing 
Bob: don't you listen to the news 
Random shopper: of corse 
Bob: didn't you hear it 
Random shopper: all I heard about are crashes
Bob: OMG there where crashes (he ran of crying) 
Random shopper: ok?

Random solder 2:  how may I help you 
Bob: why are pets randomly disappearing 
Random solder 2: why are you asking me 
Random solder 2: calm down kid I am a solder not an offecer 
Bob: what's an offecer 
Random solder 2: how do you not no that
Bob: because I am worried about the random pets of America 
Random solder 2: why?
Bob: your no help either
Random solder 2: I feel really bad for anyone he had asked

Random 60s guy: hello my fellow human 
Bob: why are pets randomly disappearing
Random 60s guy: thay arn't disappearing at all my cat is perfectly fine dood
Bob: he is here now but he is going to be gone like all the pets of America  

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